Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Im the one behind the girl licking the Honey frame. 
My name is Madeleine Jennings. I am 18 years old and live in hill-billy Hell. Welcome, to the Methow Valley. 
My family has a fairly simple life style... we only eat produce from our garden, honey from my dad's apiary, beef from our next door neighbor who lives 9 miles down the road, deer that my Mom wrestled to the ground and killed with a shoe lace (not totally true), and milk, eggs, and meat from our live stock. 
but some how, through all of this back to basics living, I find ways to clutter my life. You could say that this blog will actually be more like a virtual diary. But if it helps me sift through the chaos of my psychology, then this is just dandy.  

Everyones looking for ways to simplify life. There are books on how to de-clutter your basement or ten quick steps to an organized life style. The problem with these books are that no one lasts very long this way. Take me for example. Im 18 years old and I can never keep my room clean. Never have. I believe that I have small borrowers in my drawers that never let me keep my clothes inside, that every time I try to, they kick it back out again.

Im writing this blog for all of those who feel like life is - at times - a sink hole, where you'r fighting your way to stay atop of everything. For those who feel like you may not have control.